©Logo Design Saizo&Islay Takata
「塩の町 尾道』の歴史を現代に沿った形で再構築し、
Sky Salt "PAPITA" - At the first saltworks opened in Onomichi in half a century
Why do we, a restaurant, make salt in the first place?
Because we truly want to cook authentic Onomichi’straditional local dish, "Hamayaki” of sea bream", which has a history of more than 300 years. We built our own saltworks to produce salt locally. Now by using sea bream, salt, and charcoal, in other words, everything necessary to cook HAMAYAKI from Onomichi, we believe we can truly inherit a food culture of Onomichi and hand it over to the future.
The process of making " Sky Salt PAPITA"- Sun-dried in earthenware-
The seawater used to make salt is collected on Mukaishima Tachibana Beach ion the night of a full moon.
Located directly south of the beach is the Seto Inland Sea(Setouchi), thus this area is one of the bountiful, richest seas in Onomichi.
The saltworks is located on the roof of a three-story building where the collected seawater is pumped up.
The saltworks on the rooftop is like a greenhouse in the sky and can fully utilize the sun's rays and prevent pests, which are a major enemy of salt production, from entering salt.
Seawater pumped up to the saltworks is poured into 150 homemade earthenware vessels crammed but neatly arranged on the floor to slowly evaporate the seawater.
Earthenware has been used in salt production since ancient times. Earthenware is an important tool for making fresh salt because it stores the heat of the sun and at the same time promotes faster evaporation.
We manufacture our own earthenware by kneading in soil from Onomichi.
The finished sun-dried salt is then left to dry in the sun for about one month in an ISO-OKE tub to slowly remove the Nigari (bittern).
We mix the salt produced in all seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter) in a large jar in a cool, dark place to create a full-bodied salt with a deep flavor.
製塩所を屋上に建設した理由として太陽光の恵みを存分に享受でき、虫の異物混入も無く、地上に増して夜間冷気による寒暖差が日中と生まれる事で味わい深い塩づくりに適した場所だからです。原料となる海水は工業汚染も少なく、海底湧水が湧き多様な生物も棲む向島 立花海岸にて最もエネルギーが満ちた満月の大潮時に毎月500~1000ℓ汲み上げ製塩ハウスの中で天日でじっくりと完全天日塩を作ります。床面には純綿100%正藍染め備後絣を敷き詰めています。持続可能かつ聡明な塩づくりを目指しております。(2023年8月に海水内の成分解析を専門機関に依頼したところ、マイクロプラスチックや人工物が一切混入していない素晴らしい海水である事が検証されました!)
古代の土器による製塩方法をオマージュし、私が自ら採掘した三原市深町の田圃の下の土と福山市本郷町の山土を練りこんで焼成した製塩土器150枚(向島東製陶所 惠谷幸史さん作:写真右)を天空の製塩ハウス内に敷き詰め一皿に満水で約4ℓの海水を満たしじっくりと太陽光の力で天日塩を作っていきます。夏場路上の鉄板を想像してみてください...夏場のパピタ内は約70℃の灼熱の世界。土器は触れたら即火傷するほどチンチンに熱せられ、一週間で約300ℓの海水が蒸発します。月と太陽の恩恵を受け、浪漫に満ちた塩を作る。私にとってこれ以上恍惚な仕事はありません。
🔹 自然素材と化学製品を使い分け共存する塩作り